Doing so isn't feasible to run on hardware due to obvious reasons though. You may be interested to know, that I was able to upscale the opening cinematic, and I've would a way to re-insert to the DC ISO. It looks like you didn't run into the same issue with the up-scaling you used, which is good to see. I ran into some issues during the process, where color masks on the textures were causing 'green noise', which I solved by batch editing the dumped DC textures. But I didn't change anything, apart from fix some issues around his jaw which caused a transparent line to appear. I didn't change Raziel at all, but I prefer the PSX & PC look he has oddly enough.
So I made a version where the belts were recolored (And the extra belt not featured in renders removed) to match the rest of the series, and another later which is just the DC textures with edits to fit the texture wrapping. Kain on PSX & PC was a problem personally, on PSX & PC his colors are not correct.
I wanted to stick to the original textures as much as possible, but there were areas I was re-drawing to fix clarity issues. Did you alter Kain and Raziel in any way or just up-scaled their default textures?